Ever ridden a bicycle? How about rollerblades, a scooter or a skateboard??

Peak Hour BMX
An average of 8000 people ride their bikes into Melbourne’s CBD DAILY. This is a growing trend as in 2008 this figure was 6800. This means that thousands of people are making their way through peak hour traffic on a daily basis.

Without the comfort of playing games on their iPhones or PSPs, without the mind numbing relaxation of listening to music on the train and without the real annoyance of that guy who won’t turn his indicator off- these people, fighting fit and some might say with a death wish, travel to and fro on the busiest streets in Melbourne.

Peak Hour BMX is a game that lets these hardy daredevils test their wits and wills against the clock, by using predetermined routes along peak hour traffic in Melbourne to avoid traffic and beat other riders’ travel times along the streets in the CBD.

Using GPS and Google maps technology, riders attach an iPhone to their bicycle, set up the game and then travel. Upon reaching their destination they can upload their time through the peak hour streets and compare it to a list of other people along the same route.
